Mayflower Church members participate in a worship service. | YouTube/CBN News

Midland Responds to Persecution of Christians

February 12, 2024

Given their decades long commitment to defending and advancing religious freedom around the world, it is not surprising that the faith community in Midland, Texas has once again stepped forward to support Christians previously persecuted for their faith. Citizens of Midland were active in advocating for the Sudan Peace Act which passed in the US Congress in 2002 and they have prayed and provided support for churches and projects in Korea, Nigeria and China among other countries. 21Wilberforce recognized the city of Midland with the first Frank Wolf International Religious Freedom Award in 2018.

In recent weeks the First Baptist Church of Midland offered use of their youth chapel to members of the Mayflower Church. This is the first time that Mayflower Church members have had an actual building to gather and worship in since they began worshipping as a house church in China many years ago. For three years this group of believers fled persecution from China to South Korea to Thailand and finally arriving in Texas one year ago with assistance from the U.S. government. After arriving in Texas, a group of Christians in Midland-Odessa offered a 300-acre ranch for some of the Mayflower Church members to live and an Odessa church helped secure housing for remaining members.

21Wilberforce, along with China Aid, Freedom Seekers International and Religious Freedom Institute, advocated with the U.S. government for church members to settle in the U.S.. The strength of the collaborative partnerships demonstrated by the faith community in Midland and Christian NGOs created positive impact that is sustainable and will hopefully be replicated in other cities.

If you would like to explore how you and/or your church can support the Mayflower Church please contact us at [email protected]