Give Now. Give Hope.

As we are reminded in Hebrews 13:16, “Do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.” We invite you to join our mission to keep faith alive.

One in eight Christians lives in a country where they suffer persecution, such as arbitrary arrests, violence, a range of human rights violations, and even murder. There are hundreds of testimonies of persecution from countries around the world demonstrating the merciless targeting of Christians. Providing training and assistance to the persecuted and suffering Church, 21Wilberforce is committed to protecting Christians and assisting in their advocacy.

Your tax-deductible gift to 21Wilberforce will go to work right away.

Please help us address this world-wide crisis today.


Pray for those persecuted for their faith.


Stay informed about the conditions of fellow believers.


Give to sustain and strengthen work with persecuted Christians.


Please make check payable to 21Wilberforce and send to:

405 N. Washington Street
Suite 300
Falls Church, VA 22046  USA


21Wilberforce is recognized by the IRS as a 501(C)(3 ) organization. Your donations is tax-deductible to the extent fully allowed by law.

Please Note: If you selected monthly or quarterly for your donation, we will automatically charge your credit card each month. All sales are final. TO CANCEL an automatic donation, please contact us at 571.297.3177.

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