About Us
21Wilberforce is equipping churches and Christians around the world. We are investing in these frontline workers, building up impactful and sustainable religious freedom advocacy in the countries where it is threatened.
- Churches and Christian leaders influence their government, society, and culture in support of respect for the dignity and fundamental rights of all people and fundamental rights.
- Churches and Christian leaders engage with multilateral forums to support an international environment that does not tolerate the violations of the universal rights of religion, belief, and conscience.

Our Vision
All people can exercise their right to freedom of religion, belief, and conscience within a broader context of respect for freedom, peace, and human rights.
Our Mission
We equip the church to support persecuted communities, challenge repression, and expand freedom of religion and belief for everyone.
Our Approach
We focus on local communities and build lasting relationships based on trust with churches and grassroots organizations taking a holistic approach to lasting change.
21Wilberforce model for
partnering with the local persecuted church.
Click on program activity category below to read description.
Goal: Mobilize and resource churches and Christian leaders in countries experiencing persecution in support of their national and international engagement, advocacy, and initiatives.
Goal: Work with local partners to establish sustainable Christian-led centers to help persecuted communities and churches engage with society and their government to support FoRB, human rights and rule of law.

political and judicial systems that protect the right to freedom of religion, belief, or conscience within a broader context of respect for human rights, freedom, and peace. As highlighted above, this model can be understood across four main components: engage and coordinate, grassroots mobilization, empowerment, and collective action.

Our Story
Our Team
From our staff, board of directors, and supporters, it’s committed individuals collaborating on a shared vision to show love for our neighbors as we help equip them to tackle complex challenges.

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- 571-297-3177
- [email protected]
- 405 N Washington Street, Suite 200, Falls Church, VA 22046