We are Christian human rights advocates who believe that every man and woman is created in God’s image, has freedom of religion, with inherent dignity and equal and inalienable rights.

The Challenge

Persecution of all people based on their religious belief and loss of
freedom to choose and practice their beliefs without fear of government or social repression.
Christians and other religious minorities face discrimination, harassment, violence, abductions, destruction of property including places of worship, imprisonment and death.
Photo credit: Aid to the Church in Need 2023 Religious Freedom Report

21Wilberforce Response

We listen, we learn, and then we act. We tap into a global network of knowledge and expertise, building the capacity of local leaders, churches, and institutions to achieve sustainable change in defending freedom of religion, human rights and the rule of law. Below is a brief description of our core program activities.

Equip churches and Christian leaders in countries that experience persecution.

Mobilize churches and faith communities in the West to partner with us.

Influence governments, multilateral agencies, and international forums to support human rights, dignity and freedom for all people.

Religious Prisoner of conscience rally
Develop indigenous sustainable advocacy capacity for religious freedom

21Wilberforce partners with national and regional Christian organizations and forums to support local leadership on advocacy and develop the capacity to sustain strategic advocacy – from documentation and reporting from the field to government engagement, and contribution to international human rights and religious freedom forums.

Nigerian christian leaders
Support indigenous peacemaking and prevention of violence on the basis of religion

21Wilberforce comes alongside Christian leaders and organizations working to promote peace and prevent violence in their communities. Our training programs deliver a strong understanding of Biblical peacebuilding, conflict resolution, and transformation tools to support partners’ peacemaking efforts and to address the root causes of conflict and violence affecting faith communities in their region.

Advocating at UN in Geneva
Advocate internationally to amplify indigenous voices

21Wilberforce carries out advocacy work for the rights of oppressed and persecuted Christians and other religious minorities before the United Nations, diplomats, and governments. We give voice to those who cannot speak up for themselves. We provide and channel first-hand reports and testimonies of conflicts and religious freedom violations with supporting documentation and suggestions for redress.

Afghan refugees arrive in brazil
Respond to crises to facilitate healing and rebuilding

21Wilberforce strengthens and assists crisis-affected communities through short-term relief activities that complement advocacy initiatives. In the last few years requests included a range of actions including refugee resettlement from Afghanistan to Brazil, post-trauma care to assist in mental health and psychosocial well-being in India, and raising financial support for restoring or rebuilding church buildings in the Middle East.

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