We Invite You to Stand With the Persecuted

May 3, 2023

21Wilberforce invites churches, faith networks, academic institutions and interested individuals to join our Global Impact Partners program. We offers resources to help you equip and empower your community to stand with those persecuted for their faith around the globe. Four pillars of the program are:

  • AWARENESSof contemporary persecution against individuals, families and people groups suffering for their faith.
  • INTERCESSION by churches and institutions who are committed to faithfully praying for the oppressed.
  • ADVOCACY for those facing genocide, imprisonment, loss of opportunities and repressive laws.
  • RELATIONSHIPS between churches, universities, denominations and individuals from the West with those from exploited communities.

You can make a difference. Learn more here.

Mayflower Church Begins New Life

Members of the Shenzhen Holy Reformed Church—nicknamed the “Mayflower Church” for their commitment to seeking religious freedom—arrived Friday evening at Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport. They will be resettled in East Texas (Courtesy Photo)

The Easter promise of new life held special meaning for members of a persecuted Chinese church who arrived in Texas on Good Friday, in preparation for resettlement with the help of Tyler-area churches. Members of the Shenzhen Holy Reformed Church—nicknamed the “Mayflower Church” for their commitment to seeking religious freedom—arrived Friday evening, April 7th, at Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport.

“It was a Good Friday miracle,” said Randel Everett, founding president of 21Wilberforce, a human rights organization focused on international religious freedom. Read more here.


Meet 21Wilberforce Asia Pacific Ambassador Rev. Dr. Wati Aier

Photo credit: Accession card/Humanities Across Borders

Meet Asia Pacific Ambassador Rev. Dr. Wati Aier, a Naga theologian who is the former Principal of the Oriental Theological Seminary from the Nagaland Baptist Church Council in India, where he served for 26 years.

Dr. Aier convened the Council of the Naga Reconciliation, bringing together 3 Naga Warlords to sign the peace agreement. He currently serves as the Convenor of Forum for Naga Reconciliation (FNR). The FNR has initiated a movement called ‘Nagas Without Borders’ to bring Naga people in different Indian States and different countries together as one. Read more here.

21Wilberforce Associates Reflect on Their Winter 2023 Internships

Associates are an integral part of the 21Wilberforce team. Our internships include assisting with research, writing, advocacy, and programming support. Associates are also likely to attend congressional hearings, think-tank briefings or other events as the eyes and ears of 21Wilberforce.

The Winter 2023 Associates, Dim Sian Ngai, Sanjana Sharma and Josh Young, completed their internships the last week in April. What follows is a brief summary of their thoughts about working alongside the team at 21Wilberforce. Read more here.

21Wilberforce Save the Dates: Frank Wolf  International Religious Freedom Award Dinners

Pastor Bob Roberts, founder of GlocalNet and co-founder of Multi-faith Neighbors Network is the 2023 recipient of the Frank Wolf International Religious Freedom Award. He will be honored at two events hosted by 21Wilberforce this fall: Tuesday, September 19th at Midland Country Club and Thursday, October 5th at Dallas Baptist University. Please save one of these dates and plan to join us. More details coming soon.

In 2018 21Wilberforce launched the Frank Wolf International Religious Freedom Award to recognize outstanding champions who stand up to oppression, even at great personal risk, in the pursuit of freedom of religion, belief or conscience. The Frank Wolf International Religious Freedom Award identifies and honors those who embody Congressman Frank Wolf, who has worked tirelessly for decades to promote international religious freedom and who later served as Distinguished Senior Fellow at 21Wilberforce.


The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) just released their 2023 Annual Report. It documents systematic, ongoing, and egregious violations of religious freedom that have occurred in the last year, and provides recommendations to the U.S. government intended to deter religious persecution and promote freedom of religion and belief abroad. Access the report here.


The Patmos Institute is a Cuban civil society organization founded by leaders of various religions on February 2, 2013. The Institute was founded during the celebration of the 74th anniversary of the Ebenezer Baptist Church in Taguayabon, Cuba. Access their 2022 Religious Freedom in Cuba report here.